Hear Sravaniya’s LATEST audio on Clyp
Who is Crazy?
with Sravaniya Dasi, ACBSP
We are reading the synopsis at the beginning of 11.7.1 where we find it said that this temporary world is simply the combined manifestation of the Lord’s illusory energy and the imaginations of the living entities. In other words, under illusion the world is whatever someone believes it is.
Then what is reality? Who is a sane man and who is crazy? Listen.
In English and Cantonese.
(HG Gayatri Devi Dasi, translator)
(Srila Prabhupada’s book Who Is Crazy? can be found here. http://www.krishna.com/who-crazy )
Run length: 50m49s
The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa
by Sravaniya Dasi, ACBSP
Krishna makes the case for His relatives to go to a holy place to perform sacrifices and charity to counter the curse of the brahmins upon them, yet His cousin Uddhava was not included in the journey. There is a reason for that. Here I share some background and uncover more about Lord Krishna’s dear friend and minister before their illuminating discussion takes place in the inner chambers of the palace.
My talk on SB 11.6.36-41 given at Iskcon Hong Kong on 26 August 2021. (Invocation mantras continue up to 8:00 min mark.)
In English and Cantonese. (HG Gayatri Devi Dasi translator)
Astrology and Karma
by Sravaniya Dasi, ACBSP
Here is a presentation about the planets, their influences, how they are related to karma, eclipses and similar topics. Details about the subtle body (citta or psyche), its levels of function, and how the planets are energy regulators of experience for living entities. With references to Vedic scripture and Jungian psychology. Fascinating discussion.
In English and Cantonese.
Run length: 1h38m42s
An Intoxicating Beverage for the Ears: Hearing Lord Krishna's Pastimes
by Sravaniya Dasi, ACBSP
A reading from Srimad Bhagavatam 11.6.44 with further insights from other topics including dramatic performances and the art of war.
Run length: 17m35s
The Demigods Visit Lord Krishna in Dwaraka
Why are there so many demigods? Can’t God simply do everything Himself via personal expansion? Lord Krishna is all about relationship.
When I was 11-13 years old I read Mythology books by Edith Hamilton and Robert Graves. The stories were amazing, but the most notable thing to me was that the gods were imperfect. Later, at the age of 18, I read Bhagavad-gita As It Is by my guru HDG Srila Prabhupada and I could understand why that is.
Here is my discussion on SB 11.6.9 given at Iskcon Hong Kong on 5 August 2021. Ancient teachings, modern perspectives.