Be very specific here and try to distill your ideas into one or two sentences.
For example, instead of saying that you intend to write a cookbook for single guys, you could say the following: your book is a cookbook for single guys, with recipes that takes no more than 25 minutes to cook, uses no more than 5 ingredients and leave no leftovers.
Here you write about your target audience. Again, be very specific. Knowing who your audience is will help you market your book to that particular segment.
For example, your cookbook is for all sorts of single guys, tight on budget or time or both, including students and younger bachelors to busy office workers.
A new book should do one of the following this things (1) write about someone that's not been written before (2) expand on what's been written before (3) provide a more contemporary take on what's been written before or (4) provide a more local perspective.
For example, there are a ton of books on Chinese cuisine, but fewer of them cater to vegetarian lifestyle. Of those, very few focus on raw aspect of food. So, there you go, you have a winning idea and your book “Raw Chinese Cuisine” will probably sell well.
This is where you think from your head. Your answer here will satisfy the technical requirements for you being the most qualified person to write this book. You will write down all of your academic qualifications, society memberships / positions and work experience.
This is where you think from your heart. Your answer here will satisfy the emotional requirements of you being the most qualified person to write this book. If you have come this far, it means that you've been passionate about this for a very long time and now you feel strongly compelled to tell others what you think. Your book has been long overdue.
What stage is your book currently in? Is your manuscript ready to be edited and proofread? Or are your ideas still in bullet points format? Does your book need photographs or illustrations?
Do you have a dedicated following? Do you speak at events or workshops? Have you been interviewed for newspapers or magazines? How can you leverage your network and contacts to create a buzz pre-publication and get maximum publicity post-publication?
For example, if your book is about fitness, think of all the studio owners whom you know who would be happy to market and sell your book at their places.
In our experience, despite the explosion of the e-book market, the printed books a the one that still sell the most. People love collecting beautiful things.