The Inner Practice
by Sravaniya DiPecoraro
$19.99 Paperback
$14.99 E-book
Available at Amazon and iBookStore
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Pages 211
Barefoot Philosopher Press August 1, 2019
Size 5.5 x 0.55 x 8.5 inches
ISBN-10: 988-78868-3-9
ISBN-13: 978-988-78868-3-9
Book Details
For seriously inquisitive yoga students, written in their own language.In contrast with the volumes of literature already available regarding the Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali, the present book provides keys for understanding the essential metaphysical and spiritual teachings of yoga, thus enabling the reader to overcome the problems of life and ultimately attain the wholeness of self-realization. Sravaniya DiPecoraro, an experienced yoga disciple, teacher, astrologer and spiritual consultant, explains the basic principles clearly and with references, covering Vedānta, Yama and Niyama and much more, bringing the formerly inaccessible within reach.
“Basic Yoga Sutras–The Inner Practice broadened my understanding of my own practice, as well as those of the diverse yoga systems that exist today… It has also given me a greater capacity to communicate the values of a life of spirituality and the scientific principles upon which it rests. It is a valuable resource for those seeking to go deeper into their journey of personal discovery.”
–Bhaktivedanta Vaikhānas Swami, Śrī Govinda Gaudiya Math Bengaluru, India
"Masterfully written and authoritative work; Sravaniya dasi DiPecoraro unravels the deep secrets of the mystic yoga systems including the Yama (ethical) and Niyama (moral) aspects from the basic interactions of Karma up to the culmination of all knowledge, Bhakti yoga. Basic Yoga Sutras–The Inner Practice is a must read for the novice aspirant, and a useful tool for the accomplished yogi and seasoned philosopher as well. Thank you for this valuable contribution to the Gaudiya Vaishnava Sampradaya."
–Cyavana Swami (ACBSP), John Milner
“Congratulations. So important to establish the authenticity as well as the authorities of Yoga. Especially in the fast growing yoga world where really anything goes. No doubt your book will be welcome by the yoga community.”
–Radhacaran Das, Vedic philosophy teacher. Based in Beijing, China
“For many of us, yoga is merely a way to achieve physical fitness, with perhaps a bit of meditation thrown in for peace of mind. The ancient Sanskrit writings of India, however, describe it as much more. It is said to be the means to achieve complete self-knowledge, and indeed freedom from all worldly suffering. In this much needed book, Sravaniya lucidly explains those mystical teachings, taking us through each of the eight steps of classical yoga. Drawing from the famous Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, as well as a host of other sources, ancient and modern, she shows us the importance of properly understanding the real meaning of yoga, and the wonderful results it bestows. This highly accessible and fascinating work will surely interest both the seasoned yoga practitioner as well as the novice.”
– Krishna Dharma, ACBSP; Vedic expert and author of English versions of Ancient Indian classics including Mahabharata, Ramayana and Panchatantra