Happy Chinese New Year!


Chinese New Year arrives with the new moon on 5 February at 5:03 AM Hong Kong time. When I want information about Chinese astrology I always turn to Theodora Lau. Here’s what she says.


A year of goodwill to all. An excellent climate for business, and industry in general will prevail. People will be more free and easy on the whole and the complaisant attitude of the Boar will generate a feeling of abundance. But in spite of the favorable auspices here, like the Boar we will hesitate, waver and undermine our own abilities when opportunity calls.

The Boar’s year is one of plenty. La dolce vita is very much advocated and practiced by the sensual Boar. If life is worth living, it must be lived to the hilt. Such is his motto. The Boar is as lavish with gifts as he is with affection. He takes pride in being chivalrous and extravagant. It  would be ill-advised to overspend this year or make sizable investments without thorough investigation. We may also come to regret impulsive acts of generosity made on the spur of the moment.

The fortunate Boar carries with him contentment and security. This is one year in which you could be happy without having or needing a lot of success or money to make it so. There will not seem to be many hurdles to overcome and the placid Boar radiates a sense of well-being. Still, a great deal of prudence is recommended in money matters, as the Boar is always susceptible to swindlers.

This year will find us entertaining a lot more than usual and getting ourselves involved in all sorts of charitable and social functions. We find it a lot easier to make friends in the Boar’s tolerant and expansive atmosphere.

Watch out for excess, thou, as the Boar tends to overindulge himself in anything when given the opportunity. Weight watchers will have a tough time and may face losing (or rather, gaining) battles.

—Theodora Lau, The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (Harper & Row, 1979)


(Yes, that's good ole Porky Pig. I think he personifies the theme pretty well.)

Famous Persons Born in the Year of the Pig (Boar)
President Ronald Reagan
Andrew Jackson
Lucille Ball
Lee Kwan Yew
Maria Callas
Henry Kissinger
Julie Andrews
Woody Allen
Chiang Kai-shek
Ernest Hemingway
Humphrey Bogart
Alfred Hitchcock
John D. Rockefeller
Al Capone