Ideals and Longings of a Generation: Neptune in the Signs

Ever wonder why kids are so different from their parents? Despite the same bloodline and a few shared characteristics there is invariably a gap of understanding (one that is unfortunately often exploited by those who would take control of the children away from their parents.) It’s as if square parents have round kids, round parents have square kids. You could say that the differences are like that of hardwiring, of psychic components configured in a particular way – which, for better or worse, are for a different purpose in time.

I have found astrology to be a helpful tool for deciphering these differences for achieving understanding and better interaction.

Astrology is the language of nature. The birth chart of an entity is a statement of its purpose in time and space. Time and space are the limits, the parameters of the possible. These appear as the circumstances of life. They are not affected by belief or delusion for, like fire, they act all the same. This is natural law as established by the Supreme Lawmaker. Acceptance of astrology is not anti-religious or anti-God. On the contrary, it affirms His supreme intelligence and influence in the life of man in the world.

Thine eyes did see mine unformed substance; And in thy book they were all written, Even the days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was none of them.
~ Psalm 139:16

The Generational Mission

Since the slower moving planets – Uranus, Neptune and Pluto – are in the same signs and aspects for longer periods, their influences extend over larger groups of people and astrologers often refer to them as generational indicators. Neptune’s influence is, like everything material, both positive and negative:

Positive expression – mystical visions, wide scope of perception, artistic bent
Negative traits – delusions, craftiness, self-dramatizations
Let’s look at Neptune in the signs and discover what it tells us about the cultural and political scene now and in the future – the dynamic interaction of collective ideals and aspirations.

Baby Boomers - Neptune in Libra – Peace and Love
Sept 1943 – Oct 1956

Renowned astrologer Liz Greene writes in her book Mythic Astrology (1994) that this generation “idealizes love, harmony and the transcendent power of human relationship. This group seeks a sense of redemption through the pursuit of a perfect world freed of violence, greed, cruelty and conflict… Neptune in Libra embodies a secret utopian vision” which is reflected in its popular culture.

Positive – courageous, inspiring, trailblazing, life-initiating
Negative – rash and foolhardy, overbearing, opportunistic, egotistical

Positive traits v. Misuse or exaggerations of traits

  • Completely impartial and balanced mind v. incapable of decision
  • Refined, artistic nature v. pleasure seeker and hedonist
  • Perfect in marriage and partnerships v. manipulates and dominates others
  • Sociable and gregarious v. completely dependent on others
  • Graceful and charming v. superficial and deceitful
  • Inspires talents of others v. seeks relationships for personal gain
Generation X - Neptune in Scorpio – Emotional Drama
Oct 1956 - Nov 1970

This generation “idealizes intensity, depth and emotional confrontation” and “seeks a sense of redemption through dramatic expressions of personal transformation and the revelation of powerful and often primitive feelings… Neptune in Scorpio embodies a secret passion which is reflected in the fashion, films and music popular among those born in this age group.” (Which includes former President Barack Obama.)

Positive traits v. Misuse or exaggerations of traits

  • Creative through rebuilding v. totally destructive
  • Healer v. seducer
  • Strong and loyal friend v. uses friends for personal gain
  • Giver of strength v. psychic vampire
  • Inspires faith v. total egotist
  • Seeks merger with Spirit v. wants others to merge with him
Millennial #1 - Neptune in Sagittarius – The New Age
Nov 1970 – Jan 1984

This group “idealizes the future and the concept of a dawning New Age… seeks a sense of redemption through religious or spiritual commitment and a global vision of evolving human consciousness… Neptune in Sagittarius embodies a secret mystical hopefulness.” Sounds like a spiritual reawakening is possible. (Although I remember Aristotle noted, “Youth is easily deceived because it is quick to hope.”)

Positive expression – diverse, intellectual, original Negative expression – Superficial; intuition blocked by verbal amplification; imitative
  • Vast and inspirational mind v. inability to regulate mind with matter
  • Sees the larger issue at hand v. tends to false exaggerations
  • Magnanimous and generous v. gluttonous, never satisfied
  • Teacher and judge v. dictator and propagandist
  • Straightforward and bold v. loud-mouthed and coarse
Millennial #2 - Neptune in Capricorn – The Natural Conservatives
Jan 1984 - Feb 1998

This generation “idealizes traditional social values.” Well, it had to come back around sooner or later. “This group seeks a sense of redemption through nostalgia for an imaginary Golden Age when moral precepts were sounder and one’s role in life was better defined… Neptune in Capricorn embodies a secret conservatism” which is reflected in the dress and culture of this age group.

Positive expression – providing, sensitive, mediumistic, dependable, motherly
Negative expression – possessive, over-emotional, given to hallucinations, flighty, smothering
  • Prudent and self-sacrificing v. miserly and demanding
  • Trustworthy and loyal v. unsympathetic and secretive
  • Organizer and executive v. dictatorial
  • Industrious v. insatiably ambitious
  • Deep spiritual understanding v. worships only position and prestige
  • Very aware of other people’s needs v. opportunistic


Gen Z - Neptune in Aquarius – Ideal Social Reform
Dec 1998 - Feb 2012
This generation “idealizes human potential and the possibility of a perfect society…seeks a sense of redemption through social and scientific progress that represents mastery over the irrational forces of life…Neptune in Aquarius embodies a secret reforming spirit" which is reflected in the dress and culture of this age group.

Astrologer Sanderson Beck makes the observation that Neptune in Aquarius “will stimulate science, spiritual awakening and imagination, greater use of drugs in psychology, and further advances involving chemistry and genetic engineering. Mysticism and psychism will become more scientific and widespread.”

Gen Z will find inspiration wherever they go. Their “creativity” is endless and is best suited for situations that require unconventional means for getting things done. They work better by themselves as they have their own way of doing things.

Positive expression – Curiosity, eloquence and nurturing Negative expression – Unpredictability, pessimism and lack of focus

Positive traits v. Misuse or exaggerations of traits

  • Innovation v. Refusal to follow rules
  • Self assurance v. Inability to compromise
  • Determined v. Hot tempered
  • Gregarious and social v. Overly talkative and flighty
  • Loyalty to a cause or idea v. A zealot and fanatic
  • Strives for brotherhood v. Tries to impose own ideas on others
  • Intuitive and alert mind v. Has zany schemes and is impractical
  • Can love all equally v. cold, aloof, little human sympathy

Previous Generations

Neptune in Cancer – The Greatest Generation
May 1902 – May 1916
Positive traits v. Misuse or exaggerations of traits Sensitive to all feelings v. can become hysterical and/or irritable Cares for others’ needs and wants v. can be extremely selfish Psychic and impressionable v. can have hallucinations or unfounded fears Holds the family together v. can be too clannish and snobby * Understands all human conditions v. is oblivious to all desire but own

Neptune in Leo – The Silent Generation
May 1916 - Jul 1929
This group “idealizes the fairy tale world with all its drama, color, and innocent simplicity…seeks a sense of redemption through a noble vision of life and love which is beautiful but easily bruised by ordinary human disappointments ... Neptune in Leo embodies a secret romanticism.” See the fashion, films and music popular during the 1950s.

Positive traits v. Misuse or exaggerations of traits

  • Self-assured and progressive v. vain and self-seeking
  • Warm and sincere v. falsely modest
  • Affectionate in love v. lustful and hedonistic
  • Protective v. dictatorial
  • Cultivated and refined v. extravagant and opulent
  • Artistic and expressive v. braggart and show-off
  • Inspired by universal love v. purely egotistical