Beginning, middle and end—followed by a new beginning. This is how it is for spirits in the material world. It is remarkable how many of us do not want to acknowledge the ever present possibility of death, for this brings to mind our lack of control in facing this reality.
Chinese New Year arrives with the new moon on 5 February at 5:03 AM Hong Kong time. When I want information about Chinese astrology I always turn to Theodora Lau. Here’s what she says.
Swami Śivānanda Sarasvatī (1887-1963) gave a description in his book Fourteen Lessons on Raja Yoga that concentrating the mind on one point for twelve seconds is dhāraṇā …
Some of my yoga students began making a quiet conversion to vegetarianism in the early 21st century. Now in 2018 the vegan movement is gaining momentum and ahiṁsā or non-violence is becoming cool.
Why is equanimity desirable? It sounds so much like apathy and disinterest. Isn’t passion and the desire to achieve better? This is reasonable and draws attention to some of the pseudo-spiritual fakery which I have encountered more often than I’d like to remember.
Here are some kind words of appreciation from a devoted student of mine. In learning transcendental subjects, both the teacher and the student are fortunate. Thank you so much Nicola!